Seven Arches Aqueduct – local walk

3H spent the morning exploring the Seven Arches Aqueduct in Scotland woods.

We enjoyed sketching the scenery, noticing the sounds and nature around us as we worked. We zoomed in to sketch specific plants and explore our science topic plants in more detail.

We explored different natural materials and had a go at making our own pieces of art with them. Here are some of our creations!

A great morning exploring all together!

Beats, Bones, Bodies

3H have spent the morning exploring how blood is pumped round their bodies. They used dance to represent the de oxygenated and oxygenated blood being pumped from the heart and flowing through valves. Their creative thinking is being challenged as they investigate differing qualities, heights and movements.

Click the buttons to watch their morning performances!

Follow the link to watch the rest of our performances from today!

Incredible Iceland!

This afternoon, Year 3 had the pleasure of being joined by Dagur. A real Icelandic tour guide! Dagur was kind enough to give us his time to tell us all about Iceland. We had a chance to ask him questions about life, culture, tourism, geographical features in Iceland and much more.

We found out that there are no trains in Iceland! He was very impressed with the questions we asked. He even shared a story about witnessing a volcanic eruption!

Thank you so much Dagur for your time and expertise!

Tree planting

Today we have planted some new trees. They are five Hazels, five Rowans and five Crab Apples. Pupils from year 3 and 4 are pictured here. Hopefully the trees will be taller than them by the time they move into secondary school!

Dancing Day

Today 3H have been dancing all day! We’ve had a great opportunity to ‘show off’ our wildstyle skills by working in pairs, trios and even groups of 4 and 5. We have been continuing to learn all about our bodies as we dance.

We hope you enjoy watching some of the dances we created.

Kung Fu fighting. Showing how our white blood cells help to fight off disease.

Kung Fu fighting. Showing how our white blood cells help to fight off disease.

We have also been sharing our thoughts on each of the dances and commenting on what movements, transitions or formation we liked. “I liked how they cooperated.”

In these videos our dances are showing the red blood cells moving oxygen all around our bodies.

World Book Day

What fantastic costumes we had in 3H!

We started off our World Book Day with a book quiz in our houses. A surprise visit from the white witch disrupted us she demanded Aslan’s capture. So we created a game plan to save Aslan!

We of course had to get a photo in the wardrobe and by Mr Tumnus’ lamp.

Happy World Book Day everyone. We hope you enjoy the book vocuchers!


3H spent the day being ACE Artists. What fantastic artists they all are! They showed great creativity as well as resilience when creating their Icelandic colour palette today.

We spent the first part of the morning using a variety of materials to create colour palettes of cold and warm colours.

We used watercolour, coloured pencils, oil pastel, chalk and wax crayons.

Then, we created an Iceland colour palette using watercolours and added our choice of medium to add details like volcanoes, mountains, glaciers and the aurora borealis. Our final detail was sewing a cold or warm colour stitch into our palette as the finishing touch.

Alice in Wonderland

3H have been the class with the best attendance in the year group! We had a fantastic reward for this. We were lucky enough to have west end in schools teach us a dance based on Alice in Wonderland.

We worked so brilliantly in our teams and have created a fantastic dance all together. Our teamwork and creativity meant we could create and tell a story with just our bodies

Our final performance!

In 3H we have spent quite a few weeks working on our relationships (wildstyle) and exploring how to work well together in pairs, trios and bigger groups. I can tell that this hard work has paid off as we were able to work amazingly together.

Image result for wildstyle lego movie

Well done 3H! You are fantastic!

Library Trip

This afternoon 3H had the fantastic experience of visiting the local library.

We listened to a story called my pet potato and then shared our own ideas for what we might do if we have a pet potato ourselves.

After, we explored the library ourselves and chose books to read with our friends. We even borrowed some books for the classroom. Our class librarian will be in charge of making sure we keep them safe and rerun them in time.

Day full of drama

3H spent the morning exploring Leminkainen’s story. We heard the story, sang the songs and began to act it out. We were fantastic actors! Retelling the story and acting out each part brought the story to life.

In the afternoon, we explored how to create shadow puppets and use a projector. We used paper, pencil, plastic and pens to create the characters, objects and scenery at different parts of the story.

We worked collaboratively in small groups to create, direct and narrate a section of the story. We wrote a script together and retold the story using our shadow puppets.

During the process we discussed the shadows created using the language opaque, transparent and translucent.

Lastly, we performed our part of the story in our small groups to the class. Here are a few snapshots of our work.