3H have been persevering so much in their DT learning this half term. Making mittens for Ivan has led to lots of conversations about the learning journey they have been on. We talked about how it can feel to begin a learning journey, especially when it is as challenging as sewing can be. We shared about times we had each felt like we had been in the pit. Then we worked together to work out which learning behaviours would be best to help ourselves be resourceful and work out of the pit. Collaboration, Imitation and Perseverance were the three we identified as the most helpful. Finally, we reflected on how it feels to use our learning behaviours to get out of the pit. Feeling proud of ourselves was definitely something we all wanted to feel at the end of this learning journey.
Take a look at our learning line below:
Here is a close up of them developing their running stitch technique:
“We did it!” “I feel proud of myself!”