Hello 3H! Hello World!


Welcome to class 3H at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Harbour, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mrs Harbour

Collective Worship

Well done to Erica and Andre! They have lead our collective worship over the past few weeks. There have been some fantastic discussions within the class and moments of reflection as a result. We shared places that they felt that they belonged including various clubs outside and inside of school. We discussed it can feel to belong and that it is like feeling like you can be yourself.

Cave paintings

We started by collaborating to sketch out the design of our cave painting.

Then we got to work creating our design using chalk, charcoal and cardboard.

Works in progress

We look forward to you seeing our cave paintings at the parent consultations as well as at the Stone Age Workshop where you’ll get to make designs together!

National Poetry Day

For National Poetry Day, we explored this poem ‘Your Voice Counts

We discussed why our voices were important, how we could use them and what for. We then enjoyed joining a Zoom poetry lesson where we created a poem along with many other schools across the country and world. Here we are joining in with the zoom!


This week, year 3 have been excellent investigators. They have been exploring rocks in their science lessons. They have been using scientific terms to describe the rocks. Then using a Venn diagram they have been comparing the rocks properties to see which are similar and which are different.

Dashing Dragons

In writing 3H have been learning the hand actions to the story ‘Tell me a dragon by Jackie Morris’. As part of this they have spent time designing their own dragons and writing their own riddle to see if their classmates can solve it and work out what kind of dragon it is.

Take a look at some of their dragons:

Place Value Pros

We have been focussing on collaborative learning for the last two weeks and every single child has their name on the recognition board! Let’s keep this up! One of the ways that they have been learning collaboratively is in maths. They have worked brilliantly in pairs, making 2 digit numbers using Base 10.

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to 3H’s blog!

The first week of Year 3 has flown by. They have been working hard on getting back into routines and becoming familiar with the day. It has been lovely to get to know each of them this week and I am looking forward to the year ahead!

A highlight from this week has been tasting the delicious apples from the schools orchard. This was a lovely way to end the first week.