Hello 3H! Hello World!


Welcome to class 3H at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Harbour, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mrs Harbour

Roots and Routes

This morning was the start of our Roots and Routes project! We started the morning in the dance hall exploring movement and creating letters.

Then we talked about Ivan’s journey through the icy forest and acted out the different animals he might find along the way in groups. We focussed on our senses, exploring what he might feel or hear at different points. We created the beginnings of a map.

Back in the classroom we discussed line, shape, texture and shade. Then we took our viewfinders outside to capture parts of nature and sketch them.

Finally we returned to the classroom to finish our sketches.

Stone Age Projects

Wow! It has been so brilliant to see so many children in Year 3 create their own Stone Age Project to show what they have learnt this half term! Here a some very smiley faces proudly sharing their work.

Bronze Age Beliefs

This half term we have been learning about the Bronze Age. As part of this we have been exploring what the beliefs of the people in the Bronze Age were. We have discovered how important the sun was to people at that time. Here are some lovely sketches of Bronze Age items.

Reading for pleasure

It has been lovely to see ll of 3H so absorbed in their learning over this half term. They have been reading books independently linked to their learning.

Reading a book about Noah’s Ark linking to our RE learning this half term.

Reading aloud and learning all about our Stone Age and Bronze Age history topic

Here we are enjoying the range of books in our school library.

Chime Bars

In Autumn 1, year 3 have been exploring pitch with chime bars. They have been listening to and appreciating music and noticing where the pitch gets higher and where the pitch gets lower. They have learnt how to hold a beater and use the chime bars. They have learnt to play along with the song ‘elevator’ and ‘once a man fell in a well’.