Hello 3H! Hello World!


Welcome to class 3H at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Harbour, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mrs Harbour

Roots and Routes

This morning 3H explored parts of Adel Woods as part of their Roots and Routes project.

We started by exploring sounds in the forest, listening for what we can hear and then recreating them. Then used our sounds to create a rhythm as a class. We spent time exploring things we can find in the forest to make sound.

After exploring the sounds of the forest we moved to meet an Indian dancer to explore movement.

ACE Mathematicians

In maths, 3H have been looking at multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have spent quite a few lessons exploring this concept in different ways. Here are some of them showing the grid method and column method during their independent work. They have been so resourceful in their learning this week!


3H had a DT day! Previously, we had designed our mittens. Then we had measured out the mittens to our hands and cut them out. Today, we started off by cutting out our designs and then we began to sew the designs on to our mittens.

Before sewing, we discussed the learning journey that we were about to embark on and how we might feel and be able to help ourselves throughout the process.

Roots and Routes

This morning was the start of our Roots and Routes project! We started the morning in the dance hall exploring movement and creating letters.

Then we talked about Ivan’s journey through the icy forest and acted out the different animals he might find along the way in groups. We focussed on our senses, exploring what he might feel or hear at different points. We created the beginnings of a map.

Back in the classroom we discussed line, shape, texture and shade. Then we took our viewfinders outside to capture parts of nature and sketch them.

Finally we returned to the classroom to finish our sketches.